The organizing committee is an interdisciplinary group of researchers that seeks the dissemination and exchange of acquired knowledge among the scientific community. We are aware of the significant number of scientific-academic groups and Civil Society organizations engaged in the conservation, preservation, production, propagation, distribution and sale of cacti and succulents at the national level; so the organizing committee declares itself totally neutral and seeks respect, reconciliation, dialogue, cooperation and tolerance among all attendees of the congress. Therefore, the active participation of all attendees will mark the beginning of a new ideology of cooperation and exchange between all sectors.
Dra. Dulce Yaahid Flores Renteria - President of the organizing committee
Dr. Fernando Ayala Niño - Secretary of the organizing committee
Dr. Armando Salinas Rodríguez - Director of the Cinvestav, Saltillo Unit
Dr. Fabián Fernández Luqueño - Coordinator of the scientific committee
Dr. Alfredo Flores Valdés - Assistant coordinator
Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Unidad Saltillo
M. en C. Miguel Hernández Alva – Vice president of the organizing committee
Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
Ing. Jesús Salvador Hernández Vélez - Rector of the UAdeC
Dr. Cristóbal Noé Aguilar González - General coordinator of research and postgraduate
Dr. David Castro Lugo - Research Sub-coordinator
Dr. José Luis Martínez Hernández - Sub-coordinator of posgraduate
Dr. José Sandoval Cortés - Administrative Sub-coordinator
Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila
Biól. Eglantina Canales Gutiérrez – Secretary of the Environment of the State of Coahuila
M. en C. Alejandra Carrera Máynez - Director of Conservation
Secretaría del Medio Ambiente del Estado de Coahuila y
Cámara Nacional de la Industria de la Transformación
MD José de Jesús Morales-Sandoval
Centro Documental Internacional en Cactáceas “Jorge Meyrán García”
Dr. Mario Ernesto Vázquez Badillo - Rector de la UAAAN
Ing. Lorenzo Castro Gómez - Director de Comunicación
Dr. Humberto Reyes Valdés
Dra. Hermila García Osuna